Gobierno de rio negro
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Green Hydrogen

Río Negro attended the third meeting of the Hydrogen Round Table

The national Secretariat of Strategic Affairs coordinated this week a new working meeting for the national development of hydrogen with the presence of national and provincial authorities, as well as the private sector.

Fecha: 7 de junio de 2023
Representatives from all over the country were presentCrédito: Government of Río Negro

This is the third meeting of dialogue and discussion that aims to set the base for a State policy on hydrogen economy, and in which the Government of Río Negro plays a key role as an advisor in this field, sharing its experience in actions related to hydrogen and energy transition.

In this framework, the director of RN Invierte, Gonzalo Medina Cabrera, who attended the meeting together with the Secretary of State for Planning, Daniel Sanguinetti, emphasized the potential of our region as a key link in the productive value chain to move towards a diversification of the energy matrix that include new sources, such as the different types of hydrogen.

Medina Cabrera also pointed out the importance of the Law presented a few days ago by the National Executive and the Government had already been working on. This law provides a regulatory framework for the arrival of important investments in Argentina (such as the one already announced by the Australian company Fortescue Future Industries), during a certain time for the development of new productive chains.

It is important to note that, in the context of the energy transition, several countries have already implemented promotion laws and national strategies in the field of hydrogen. In this regard, Río Negro has been a pioneer in developing a Strategic Plan and carrying out pre-feasibility studies. These are crucial moments for the finalization of regulatory frameworks at national level, which are essential to be able to compete at international level in this field.

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